Lots of my friends are suffering from sword arm ache, across top of the forearm and also front deltoids. I had this very bad years ago and get it on occasion when I've not being doing my reverse arm curls with free weights. But these friends of mine have it bad ALL the time...
Is there any remedy for these guys, like some kind of topical or whatnot that they can use/wear? They do moan a lot...lol
Dit da jou or dit da chiu same stuff different spelling, it is a Chinese herbal medicinal tincture. I've been using it for some 15 years now, it can work wonders especially if combined with some self massage.You may of course want to test for an allergic reaction before covering large portions of your body with it.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Tiger balm is another one that I use. It comes in three different strengths, green - red - and white. If the pain persists, maybe they should consult a physician to make sure it isn't a repetitive stress injury or something along similar lines.
Even without the tincture, a deep arm massage can often fix the problem. I used to (well, still do) get this in my right arm, and it's just caused by the build up lactic acid and other junk in the muscles from lots and lots of use. Massage it away (enough that it hurts!), using the tincture as well if you can get it, and it'll get much better. Once upon a time I had to wear a wrist brace every time I fought right handed, now I only have to do this massage maybe once a year I don't have a problem.
I'd include massage as well. However if the problem is originating from a tendon this may not be advisable. Be very aware when the long head of the bicep starts showing signs of strain as this could be a prelude to a bicep rupture. You'll notice this by intense pain around the deltoid region by way of the glenoid cavity. I've had one chap in my Savate class rupture his - even though he went through a very good stretching and warm up routine prior. I know several other senior combat athletes and martial artist who have suffered the same fate. Don't take a chance have a Doctor check it out ASAP.