Do you have to wait until someone actually hits you to begin your action of Survival?
Personally I thnk you woul be crazy in some make that any case, to wait until someone actauly hits you. Unless they catch you off gaurd.
In my school I teach SURVIVAL classes, not self defense classes. Why? Becaue it does not take a mule kicking me in the head to know that if a person draws back their fist or a baseball bat, to know they are about to attack.
Same goes for teaching only certain situations instead of teaching a more runded veiw of what it can really be like. It alo goes for those beleoved "one step" fighnt techniques that require you to WAIT until the other person throws a punch before you defend.
Get real forls in the street, when the action begins, NOT when it actaully happens, you had better be doing somethng, or your are dead. It is just that simple.
Tae I have to agree. In my line of work I really cannot wait for the person to always throw an attack first because one too many people may get hurt or millions of dollars in hospital equipment may get damaged. I will admit that thanks to my martial arts training along with training from the police academy and training given to me at my job I have gotten really good at reading body language. Granted sometimes it will appear to the untrained eye that I may be coming in somewhat aggressive but when my boss reviews the tapes though he will see that I had acted within reason to keep the situation from getting worse.
I have gotten in to the habit now of looking for certain tell tale signs when dealing with patients such as pacing, clenching fists, the tightening of the body's muscles or when they begin to try and invade my personal space.
Those signs are enough for me to be ready but that is at the hospital. In the street though it is different because you will not always be face to face with the attacker. Granted you cannot go walking down the street like a member of the SWAT team but still must be aware.
When I did Shotokan there were no set one steps and as we got more advanced we would actually stop announceing the attack so you didn't know which attack was coming. Yes many a ding and some bruises but I feel that type of training when I didn't know what type of attack it was did help me have better reaction.
P.S I did take that black belt's belt away from him and informed the Grand Master. Thank god he has security cameras in the school too. He reviewed them and saw how the kid was acting and now he is (the kid that lost the belt) is not getting his belt back for six months until he proves to the school and the organization that he is deserving of such an important rank.
no the law says if you are in reasonable fear of being attacked. then you do not have to waight for the actula attack
In what state JW. The law here is different then there, of course we also have the "leave whre they lie" law. Most states(notice I said most) require that if you do not wait, and you are trained, then you had better have witnesses. However, if someone is aobut to attack me, hang the witnesses. LOL :^)
"Those who are afraid of death, never truly live. Living life to the fullest means taking a chance."
Check again JW, I pronmise if you attack in NEW York and you are trained, with no witnesses, you may end up in jail.
I ma not saying you should not do it, only know of all the consequencs before doing it, so you can prove you had good reason.
Like I said, some states say you have to have witnesses or let them throw it first. Which I think is a little corney myslef.; LOL, guess they need that mule. :^)
"Those who are afraid of death, never truly live. Living life to the fullest means taking a chance."