Saturday, November 26, 2011

Staying positive

It's been quiet plus we need some humor as the holidays approach. This is not a joke, but I found it amusing.......So a friend told me that there is a guy on cable TV that supposedly is a real life paid gigolo/male escort in Vegas. Here's the funny part...they said he states that he seriously studied Yoshokai Aikido (I think that's the Kushida Sensei group) and participated in Kenshu. Now THAT is using your ki! Anyone hear of this or see that show? Anyone know this guy or ever practice with him? Wonder how much kamae comes into play? LOL

I am 44 years young and have recently returned to Aikido, after a 27 year absence. I don't roll like I used too LOL. I walked into the Grafton Dojo back in March and have thoroughly enjoyed myself. The Club trains 3 times a week, Tues & Thurs evenings 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm & Sat 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. 

I have been attending all 3 classes, work commitments allowing. I haven't been able to attend the last 3 weeks, as I am Funeral Director (Undertaker) and unfortunately, have been flat out with work. As I normally work 24/7 for 10 days and get a 4 day weekend every second weekend. But I am currently on my 21st day straight on call. As I have a colleague away with personal issues and have been unable to attend class.

I have had every Mon, Weds & Sunday free, the opposite days to class of late. So I am not to happy about that, as I am looking forward to my 5th Kyu grading.

I am trying my hardest to get back on track, have go Jo 1 & 2 down pat and have nearly got Bokken 2 as well. As I have been practicing in the back yard in the heat an humidity( Summers building).

So just trying to stay positive and train when I can at present.

Sorry for the waffle

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the Fitzsimmons shift

Chris, Matt and I today...

2 rounds shadow boxing
2 rounds three count cadence drill
1 round heavy bag
2 rounds boxing

We then went over the Fitzsimmons shift. We have done it before but it has been a while and I realized that this was something new to Chris so it seemed like a good subject for the day. We also worked in Biddle's Killing shift and a few variations of our own on the concept. Once we had this ingrained a bit we geared up again and each boxed two more rounds with an emphasis on landing the shift.

Next up shillelagh working through the Footpad and the Cane article:

We had a good bit of fun working with this short text. It is short but has a good deal of useful and interesting material. We ended the session working through some basic attack and defense with the shillelagh followed up with two bout each shillelagh vs shillelagh. Always the most violent of all.

What's the difference between Biddle's shift and Fitz's? I think Biddle was a student of Fitz, or am I imagining things?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Insurance for the turbo kick instructor

I am currently teaching Turbo Kick at my church. However, starting in January I am planning to teach it at the hospital that I work for. They called today and said that I would need insurance. I called my insurance agent, but they do not offer it. I looked at some sites online and am seeing it for anywhere from $150-250/year depending on the amount you want to be approved for and if you are certified (doesn't include the TK cert, they are talking about ACE/etc).

What kind of insurance does everyone else use, and what is the most affordable one? My concern is that I do not charge for my classes, but this is an additional cost. I have already spent $500 between the certification day, the Elite 11 DVDs, and the 5 pack of DVDs that were on sale on the Turbo Kick site. That is fine, because I love teaching and doing the workouts... However, I'm considering starting to charge at least a small amount of money to help cover the insurance and any new DVDs that I may want to purchase in the future. When the lady from the hospital called to see if I planned to charge, I said "no" so I'm not sure if she was going to say that it wasn't allowed, or if she just wanted to know...
Here's an option - - About 144/yr. I wouldn't teach without it - When I looked at the site, it said it would be asking for a registration number for certification. There isn't one on the TK certificate. Did you have to give one?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blades -Brawling

Just Greg last night. So, I knew it was going to be a warm, dry, beautiful day so I planned on using what may be the last nice day of the season to do outdoor work, Greatstick and Singlestick/Saber. What I forgot was that Daylight Savings Time borks evening daylight hours in favor of morning. I'd rather have the evening daylight than the morning but the government didn't ask my opinion. Therefore, even though the garage door was open, we worked inside, beneath the cold glare of my fluorescent bulbs.

Brawling – First looked at the Head Butt again. Reviewed the three uses: modern, French Apache attack, and "Scientific Boxing" technique. Spent the most time on the mechanics of the modern technique. Then we went on to Slungshot. Looked at the commonly reported historic carry techniques then worked on deploying from the pocket draw in conjunction with initial attack technique. Next up was pairing the Slungshot with commonly reported history weapons pairings. This includes the knife, coat, and [redacted – I'm saving it as a surprise for the Seminar and book!]

Blades – Next up, BOWIE KNIFE!!!! Huzzah! 

Drill 1: Thrust on inside line and parry to the inside. 
Drill 2: Mandriti style thrust on outside line and parry/back-parry to the outside. 
Drill 3: Combine 1 2, Thrust inside, parry inside, thrust outside, parry outside, lather rinse repeat. Then footwork, parry, and thrust drill with the "swinging bar." 
Finally, SPARRING! WOOT!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Supreme Grand Master Angel Cabales Exclusive Interview

Grand Master *D*

Grandmaster *D* has over {30} + years of actual training in the field of martial arts. The combat arts that he has studied includes Kajukenbo, Chinese Kempo, Thai Boxing, Tai Chi Chuan, Western Boxing, Kali and the fine art of *Serrada Escrima* as personally taught to him by the late

*Supreme Grand Master Guru Angel O. Cabales* GM *D* Always Looks to be in tip top shape

Regardless of your skill level, style, experience or previous training in the pugilistic weapon or "empty-hand" arts…Grandmaster *D* thoughtfully, and thoroughly guides, and personally teaches you this "beginner to expert" stick-knife and empty-hand training program. The time worn notion that all students must train for 3, 6 or even 10 yrs. is a misnomer, and, is a thing of the past. 

By extracting the essence of Serrada Escrima and combining it with his over {30}+ years of martial arts expertise…You are presented with an "eclectic" modern day style that will give you the decisive edge in the absolute art of streetwise combat.

With Grandmaster *D* "It's all about superior quality of service". 

Serrada Escrima is not only based upon technique, but also, on theories, and concepts that were developed and refined throughout many years by SGM Angel Cabales himself. 

SGM Angel Cabales learned the rudimentary foundation of the Filipino art of escrima from his mentor, 'Dequerdas' SGM Felicisimo Dizon. 

GM *D* began studying Serrada Escrima in 1984 in Stockton, California. With several years of genuine combat experience already underneath his belt, GM *D* knew that after having witnessed SGM Angel Cabales in actual combat action he was indeed a genuine weapons master.

The Late Great Prof. Gilbert Tenio teams up with SGM Angel Cabales at GM *D*s 1984, *Classic Cabales Serrada System of Escrima Seminar* in San Francisco, Ca. GM Angel Cabales once said to GM *D* that his intentions were not to inflict upon him his particular style of martial arts; but rather to demonstrate & to teach him some effective tactics that he could use to make his 'own' style of martial arts even more applicable & even more effective.

SGM Angel Cabales also said to GM *D*, "Any student whose primary focus is to be a carbon copy of his teacher is doing themselves a great disservice. No one can be exactly like the teacher and still retain their own personal identity."

In essence, the 'Cabales Serrada System of Escrima' was designed as a method of personal self-discovery & for self-transformation of the soul. In this hands-on learning system, SGM Cabales called the highest level of martial arts attainment " presence of mind " or "spontaneous intelligent reaction". Around 1986-87, GM *D* arranged & introduced GM Gura Graciela Casillas to SGM Angel Cabales where she began her transformative stages of training within the field of Cabales Serrada Escrima

"When a person is seriously engaged in close-quarter combat, there is no time for thinking, feeling, choosing or judging what is occurring from moment-to-moment" SGM Angel Cabales

Here's how SGM Angel Cabales put it:

On June 3, 1990, GM *D* traveled to SGM Angel Cabales' home in order to conduct a very special interview on him. Although GM *D* had spoken to SGM Cabales many times about his style of fighting, he was always reluctant to ask him about his death matches. SGM Angel Cabales told GM *D* that escrima death matches were an integral part of the ancient warrior code & traditions of the Philippines.

"To willfully test one's skills in an actual match to the death is the ultimate test of true fighting skill and indomitable courage".

SGM Angel Cabales

SGM Angel Cabales added, " Whenever you are engaged in mortal combat you must forget about all of the antics of your opponent. One must not worry about things like how big or strong or how great your opponent's reputation or image is. One must remain calm & cool, but as alert as possible and strike the enemy down with certainty, accuracy, and with overwhelming pinpointed, and strategic execution of overriding power."

SGM Angel Cabales insisted that in order to survive in any life or death encounter, you must bypass all negative and positive conflictualities. Any type of conflictuality constricts the natural flow or " presence of mind of a person." 

Freezing in the midst of a life or death encounter can be very fatal. It is only in a natural state of mind that one can effectively defend himself against myriad of attacks. SGM Angel Cabales taught GM *D* that obtaining high levels of rank or degrees should never be the primary focus of a martial arts aspirant. Instead, a practitioner should focus upon the fundamentals & upon the metaphysical ingredients that lie behind all external formulas for combat fighting. 

According to SGM Angel Cabales, no level of rank could ever equate with the raw courage and skill that is latent within the hearts, bodies, and the minds of every human being. A real warrior works from a position of practicality, and begins the process of becoming a master craftsman by using whatever personality & circumstances he/she is in at the time.

To SGM Angel Cabales, befriending and assisting a person with the elevation of their mind was his greatest and highest achievement award within his lifetime. The 'Cabales Serrada System of Escrima' was designed for thinkers, and for all those who are seeking a supreme martial arts type of lifestyle. 

The art of Serrada Escrima as developed by SGM Angel Cabales entails many aspects of the art of combat.

"In order to make my art of Serrada Escrima serve the present time, we only have to assemble or reassemble my art into its fullest dimensions scientifically, and then my students have to bring to life my art of Serrada Escrima, and then make it there own." SGM Angel Cabales 

Supreme Grand Master Guru Angel O. Cabales

{1917-1991}SGM Angel Cabales stated that his style of fighting could not fail him in any combative encounter. In SGM Angel Cabales' mind his art could never fail him because he always thought in a completely positivist way when it came to close-quarter-combat-fighting. SGM Angel Cabales was not afraid to engage in actual hand-to-hand or weapon-to-weapon encounters.

The Serrada System of Escrima as taught by SGM Angel Cabales was very people oriented. SGM Cabales was not only the first escrimador master to open a commercial escrima academy in America in 1966, but also! like the legendary Bruce Lee; he was amongst one of the first Filipino masters to teach outside of his race.

A good example of this are the top three African American master graduate students that Cabales personally taught escrima to; Professor Sultan Uddin, Master Guru Jerry Preciado, and Grand Master *D*. (l-to-r) GM Jim Mather, SGM Angel Cabales, Grand Master *D* & Professor *Sultan Uddin* (l-to-r) Co-Founder of 'Angel's Disciples' Serrada Escrima Master/ Jerry Preciado & Grand Master *D*

Finally, Angel Cabales believed in the eternal goodness of man. Even when the usurers were closing in on him, he still had faith in his; 'Serrada System of Escrima'. After more than {27} years of practicing and promoting the Serrada Escrima System of martial arts worldwide; GM *D* still continues to discover hidden clues & further meaning that has unearthed some of the deepest secrets of the "Angel Cabales Serrada System of Escrima".

It's these energy-releasing secrets that continue to propel GM *D* upon an " Endless Journey " of self-discovery & further development within the area of close quarter combat.

In an interview in early 1990, just prior to SGM Angel Cabales' death, GM *D* asked the 'Supreme Grand Master' who he felt are some of his top Serrada Escrima graduate student(s). In a proud, and in a jubilant voice, he said;

"All of my students are my top students".

That's how SGM Angel Cabales truly thought, he was always fair & equitable in regards to giving recognition to all of his graduate students.

2007, Grand Master *D* had the distinct pleasure of meeting in person in Augsburg, Germany, one of Ving Tsun Kung Fu's best fighting master's. Master/Guru Sifu Muammer is probally one of the least known of Grand Master Leung Ting's graduate master students. Additionally! Master Muammer has mastered & studied extensively within GM Rene Latosa's Escrima system.

Note: Grand  Master Rene Latosa is a former Serrada Escrima graduate instructor under the late *Supreme Grand Master* Angel Cabales.

GM Rene Latosa received the fundamental's of the combat art of Serrada Escrima directly from SGM Angel Cabales, which in turn greatly aided him when he first introduced his rendition of the art of Serrada Escrima known as 'PMAS' all across Europe.

{1983} Escrima Grand Master Rene Latosa Makes a Special Guest Appearance at GM *D*s "Kali/Jeet Kune Do" Seminar featuring Maha Guru Ted Lucaylucay & Guro Dan Inosanto (l-to-r) Guro Dan Inosanto & GM *D*/1980 Cleveland, Ohio "Kali/Jeet Kune do Workshop"

Ving Tsun/ Escrima Expert Master Guru/Sifu Muammer Grand Master *D* had the distinct pleasure of being one of the first of the late Grand Master Angel Cabales' graduate students to formally introduce the "Serrada System of Escrima" directly to Master Guru/Sifu Muammer at his academy in Augsburg, Germany.


Grand Master *D* Formally Introduces Serrada Escrima to Master Guru/Sifu Muammer in Germany {l-to-r} Grand Master *D* Prepares to Utilize a Serrada Escrima Cross Block {l-to-r} Master Guru/Sifu Muammer & GM *D* Indeed the fine art of 'Serrada Escrima' along with the illustrious legacy of the "Father of Escrima in America" has crossed over to various shore's all over the world. "Long Live the art of Supreme Grand Master Angel Cabales" THE GM *D* SGM ANGEL CABALES ALLIANCE FORMED IN{1984}