I know we've probably discussed this many times in the past, but I would love some fresh ideas from fellow instructors. I am teaching at a brand new YMCA facility in a small town where there are ZERO other TK instructors. I've been teaching for a couple years, but due to the economy, I have had a couple of programs and studios close down. I have to keep finding new places to teach. I have lost several students along the way, sadly.

At the Y, members are asked to pay a fee for my Turbo class in addition to their membership fees. As a result, I have five students that have stayed with me. That's it! Do any of you have some tips on how to recruit more peeps? This is THE BEST CARDIO EVER! We've done free demos on Saturdays (try before you buy - type classes), we've had drawings, I post it all over facebook, I send out email blasts to friends and family, and I've even posted on bulletin boards and my office door at my "day job". I'm at a loss. Please help!
Thank you and keep kickin'!