Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Did Round 42 through the Finale

When I got home from my family reunion weekend in Hood Canal WA yesterday I was thrilled to find Round 42 in the mailbox! I immediately uploaded the music to my iPod and gave it a quick listen through. As usual, the music could not be better - the warmup is one that will really start you off on the right foot - "If you don't want to party then you can GO HOME!" *L*

I watched the dvd and took notes, so today I popped in the cd and followed my notes on the white board in front of me, and I have sweat dripping off my chin at the moment!

*punches: *
triple jab cross R,L
jchu x2
step upper x2, step hook x2
2 jabs at 12:00, cross cross punp it

b) speed skate R, L
4 jacks
2 high punches, 2 low
3 crosses w/ a knee

Ski 4, front kick L, R
Back kick, front kick x2
3 left knees (option to turn 'em) R roundhouse
3 step* (I changed the three step to 3 back kicks and a knee instead)*

b) 3 crosses and a knee x3, slower zig zag (32)
double bob and weave punch knee .3 then singles (32)

*punches and kicks:*
speedbag around, uppercut x2
jab uppercut x4
Right knee, back kick x2
side kick R, L Right front kick, knee (option: cresecent)

b) speedbag right, arms up, speedbag left and clap
speedbag side to side
jenga x2, uppercut x2
cross cross up up

*Turbo* - Nice! This is where Holly takes over for Mike and it's fun! Also easy to learn and remember! Yay!!!

*Recovery* - probably my favorite section!

Step uppercut x2 step hook x2
Elbow strike 12 and 3, cross cross cut cut
Firethrow x4
hi low roundhouse

b) my favorite part b in R42!
Hi lo x2 right and left
punch down R L pump it
3 jabs right, 3 jabs center, single clockwork FUN!!!

*Finale *- great song and fun combo!
2 high punches, 2 low
hit the floor x2, 2 jacks *(I did 4 jacks instead)*
2 left knees, 2 right
twist & turn to 6:00, back kick, turn to 12:00 knee

The other sections look to be super fun too, I look forward to incorporating those this week!

My overall impression is that R42 is similar in mood to the past few rounds. Great music, great workout, nothing crazy different thrown in. I like that there are lots of kicks! My armpits are stinky and as usual, Turbo Kick delivers a FUN and FANTASTIC workout! It's hard to judge a round after doing only one time so it will be fun to feel the nuances in R42 sink in over the next few weeks.

Hope everyone is having a Turbo-riffic day!

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