Thursday, October 21, 2010

down attendance problem

We are getting 6 members one session, 0 another, 1 the next, 5 the next, and it's busting the group training plan to small chunks. I end up going over the basics continually instead of getting some training done myself. Might there be a way of organising lesson content to cope with this up and down attendance problem?

One thing I will say, if you are the leader/teacher you have to accept that you can't plan on the group time as your training time. Although you cansegment sessions into an "all levels" part and then an "advanced levels"
extension of the class time.

This is one of the hardest things for any martial arts school to deal with. One reason EMA schools demand cash up front and then require a certain number of training hours before a student can test for belt rank. Charging even a small sum may get folks more interested in turning up on time and on a regualr basis. If you feel uncomfortable charging for lessons then use the money to buy equipment or otherwise use it fo the group such as refreshments during/after the class.

Perhaps I could keep a register of attendance and hours, topics covered by individuals rather than the group as a whole. That would end up leading to personal training plans...
We are doing a mix of sword & buckler, some do longsword. Perhaps sword & larger shield in the future.

Trying to get people to buy their own equipment seems futile too LOL. I don't get this at all. When I started up, it was my first mission to get a mask, jacket and some gloves, arm protection. Getting those things made my life so much easier. Can't figure people out these days. Personal training plans rather than group plan?

If they don't have the right equipment they can't play. One more reason to ask each student to pay "dues" so you can buy equipment to share out. Once they get a mask somebody else has worn once too often they will want to buy their own.

A common approach in various groups, AFAIK. That is, the loaner gear is safe and serviceable, but if it gets a bit, well, funky from time to time, that's an incentive for people to get their own.

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