Friday, July 30, 2010

How do I promote my class?

I just started working at a's a new studio and I'm a new instructor...double whammy!

I know that it takes a while to build a clientele but I can't even get ONE person in class. We have handed out flyers for the studio itself, and I'm working on Turbo Kick flyers. I've told all my "friends" but none of them are in a position to pay for classes right now. Yes it's only my 2nd week, but every day that goes by that someone isn't in my class really gets to me. I wanna hit the streets and hand out flyers and business cards and all that but I can't even afford to BUY those things right now.

My boss keeps staying that "its summer, it'll change" but I'm not buying it. She doesn't seem to be real interested in pushing HER studio and OUR classes, and I don't understand that. We are a pay as you go studio and we have 500 registered members but we only have about 10 people signing up for classes....I just don't get it!

Turbo Kick is a fairly new thing out here. A few gyms have classes and they are thriving but I know some gyms have cancelled their classes due to low numbers. Those that know about it LOVE it (of course) but how do I get the word out to more people on a VERY LOW budget?

Thanks for reading my little rant. Any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated.

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