Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Interesting Emotions

I certified in June and I just got a job teaching that starts July 20th. I'm SUPER excited to share the workout that I love so much with others. But lately I think my sub conscious is playing games on me....
While in class (not teaching) the other day I suddenly felt like I was out of place, like I stood out amongst everyone. I don't know what it was but I suddenly wanted to run to the back of the room. At the end of class I was mentally beating myself up questioning my energy, my form, my ability to teach etc etc etc.
Then today I subbed a class and knowing that it wasn't going to be PERFECT I went in with every intention of doing my best and having FUN. I quickly found myself mentally critisizing my cues and form and even my outfit. Trying to shake it off I got lost in the music and choreography and then felt worse! Of course I kept a smile on my face and laughed it off to the class, but inside I was dying. I actually left class feeling bad for the students.
I know I need to practice practice practice and that none of us are PERFECT...not even Chalene ( I love when she messes up, makes me feel better haha). I want to be a great instructor and I know I just started and that it will take time to "master" the art of it.
I hope you don't mind that I just vented. I just thought this group would understand my feelings the most, because someone that has never done it has no idea how truly difficult it is to go from student to teacher almost over night! Thanks for listening/reading.

Congratulations on getting the job!!!


CONGRATS on surviving your first class! (affectionately known as the "train wreck"! :) )

100% normal!!! You are going to be fine!

Going from participant to instructou....your experience in that class  you took makes perfect sence to me. You know know soooo much more about the F&T and are acutely aware that people will now be relying on 
YOU to get it right! :) It's all good! You are right...we all make mistakes (I like when Chalene does too! lol) so take the pressure off  yourself! You keep working to correct them and you will improve each time you teach!

The first class usually feels the hardest....it absolutely gets easier and you DO get better with experience!

Good for you for keeping that smile in and the energy positive! Congrats again and enjoy the experience!!
Been there done that!!!!!!
When I taught my first class I was so nervous that when I did my jabs I could actually see my hands shaking!!!!! I promise it will get better.
The most important advice is have fun! If your enjoying it they will too, irrelevant of how many mistakes you make. Also remember, only you know when you've messed up so don't make a big deal about it. Just carry one and keep smiling :)
Over time you'll develop your own style and find techniques that work for you. Don't try and be someone else. If your like me you've taken various TKB classes and always have a favorite instructor. I tried to be like her but it didn't work, you have to be you! I always have notes in front of me as a reminder of the round to take the pressure off trying to memorize it.
I promise, practice makes perfect!!!!
Good Luck!!!

Have fun is the best advice! I have been teaching Group X forever - 15+ years and TK for 4 or so years ... I still mistakes, but I am goofy and make sure class is a blast and everyone enjoys theirselves !

Aw Hugs..
It's true we are our own worst enemy / critque and we beat ourselves up for every tiny thing we miscue or mess up. You just have to learn to laugh at yourself and move on with confidence. It really does get easier and become more natural after a few months, it really does! You'll be amazed at how much you improve and so much of it becomes second nature!

Chin up :)

Believe me when I say that we all go through those exact same emotions. I remember taking a class also where a friend put us up at the front beside the instructor. All of a sudden it was all I could do not to cry in front of everyone. I kept looking at myself in the mirror saying why am I doing this? I also critisized everything about myself & felt like everyone was looking at me & saying the same things that I was saying in my head.

I realized one day after telling my friend about this that she had no clue I was struggling. I began to think back to all the people in the class. Do you know that not one of them notcied me. They were all so worried about themselves. No one was watching. No one was criticizing. The only one having issues was me.

It isn't easy, but when you have those feelings, try to practice replacing the negative self talk with something positive. Like, "wow, I'm faking a smile really well today!" (just kidding, but you get my point) Having a good positive attitude & being comfortable with yourself & abilities takes as much, if not more, practice than teaching turbo. Hang in there & remember we are all out here for support when you need it.

Hope this helps,

LOL Marcie! I'm lucky if I even remember to smile amongst remembering to cue and the next steps and what lead I'm on and on and on :)

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and feelings. I knew you would all understand and help me feel better about my situation, cuz you've all been there!

Tonight I went and helped another newbie turbo instructor (she's been doing yoga and Zumba for a few years) prepare for her first class. Her concerns had nothing to do with cueing and mirroring (like me) but the choreography and the 32 ct set up. We all have different areas of concern and different areas that we need to work on.

I'm so happy that I have this group to lean on and I hope that in the future when I'm a perfect instructor (hahahhahaha) I can share my stories with another newbie and help them like you guys are helping me!

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