Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Turbo Fire 45EZ / Turbo Fire: Tone

Today my friend Tressia came over to Studio LouLou and we started off with Turbo Fire EZ45.
Of all the Turbo Fires I've done so far, this one has THE BEST music! I know I'll be doing this one a lot for that reason alone, and the combos are FUN! The only bummer about this one is there's no turbo / fire drill :(
not even a teensy weensy turbo :( 

my right knee is a little wonky though so I suppose that's a good thing. Here's what you do:

2. song is Rappers' Delight
jchu, 2 knees, r jab @ 12, L jab @9
running man
b) 4 lunge jabs r, then 4 lunge jabs left
4 crosses, zig zag , 2 jacks and shake it - FUN!
3. - song is Freak Out / Le Freak by Chic
ski 3 with a knee
tap right, left roundhouse
2 crosses high, 2 crosses low
front kick back kick
b) song is Booty Call, from R9
jab knee x2, throw knee 2
4 crosses up, speedbag back
4. Song is In the Ayer from R34
double bob and weave, cross, 2 uppers, go other way
2 front kicks, 2 back kicks
2 knees 2 jacks
b. song and combo from R40 "Get it Girl" I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS ONE!
Brush the shoulder right and left, speedbag jack
4 heels, 4 high knee run
5. Recovery - though there was no turbo :( song is something like Let Me See
Your Flashlight
4 uppercuts, pump it to 12
4 punches going in a circle back (fun!)
4 uppercuts, 2 left knees, 2 right knees
b.hi lo right speepbag lunge turn right an dlift
jab cross jab jab lateral leap forward and back LOVE THIS COMBO!
4 crosses, 2 jacks
cross cross knee
twist 12 and 3
I think after that it's back kick front kick

Next Tressia and I did Tone 30. You use a resistance band and thigh toner band (green pilates ribbon) but I used weights instead except for the quadricep and ab work at the end. It is a 30 minute full body workout that is comprised of compound moves. You do 12 slower reps and 8 singles for each. Here is what you do and weights I used:

around 10-12 pushups
lunge w/ a bicep curl - 12's
lunge w/ a military press - 9's
body weight lunges
lateral raises with a glute lift - started with 9, then 8, then 5's for the singles
lunge w/a tricep extension - 9
sumo squat with a standing side chest press - I did a single arm kettlebell
chest press instead with a 25 pound kettlebell and then went to 20
bicep curls with a squat - 15
tricep extensions from a plank - 8
quad pulls from a v sit with green pilates band OW OW OW
crunches and rows with the tubing EFFECTIVE
I really liked this workout! 

I didn't find the resistance tubing I had provided enough resistance and I like to know exactly what I'm lifting but this is a perfect workout to take travelling because bands don't weigh anything or take up space.

Tomorrow Tressia is coming over and we'll do some tabata drills I created and end with Turbo Fire: Sculpt 30. 

Stay tuned!

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