Sunday, August 8, 2010

ACE/AFAA Cert Required for TK Instructor??

I am trying to learn all I can about being a TK Instructor before signing up for the class and I just have a few questions. Is it required to be ACE/AFAA certified in order to be a TK instructor or does it mainly depend on the facility you teach at?

And this is just a curiousity question about the income. Is it worth it be an instructor for the income (only if you love doing it I mean), as in does it pay off money-wise at all? I'm at a dead end job and fitness is such a passion so I'm trying to find a way to get a jump start towards a career in one way or another.

I hope I don't sound like I'm being greedy here! I love the TurboFire programs and want to be able to do more for others but money and time is tight with a full time job =)

If you have the passion then the $$ won't matter.  I can tell you the average instructor won't make a lot of money, but it would be enough to cover your workout clothes and additional round purchases etc.  TK Certs are awesome and worth taking even if you don't plan on teaching.

AFAA or ACE is only required by the Facilities you teach at, not all require it though.  They are good to have and give you more credibility.  Go for it!  What part of the country do you live in?

1) You can definitely make money in fitness. The more you teach, the more you can make. Right now, I don't teach as many classes, but I am still making money by not going so crazy about changing my music all the time (members don't notice as much when you teach less anyway) and trying not to buy as much fitness clothing.

2) Being ACE or AFAA certified should be a priority for you also. Not only will this add credibility, but you will teach a safer class because of it. Yes, the certifications in and of themselves will not necessarily make you a better instructor. But by requiring continuing education, you are forced to continually learn about teaching. If you are considering making fitness a career, these certifications are a must and a great way to jump start your knowledge on fitness.

Thank you all for your help. Fitness is a passion of mine but the mortgage has to get paid as well =) I agree with the credibility of being certified and I have all intentions of getting ACE/AFAA certified if I become an instructor.

I live in Northeast Connecticut and we have no Turbokick classes in my area; the closest one is almost 2 hours away so I hope to start it up in my area and get people excited about it!!

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