Thursday, August 5, 2010

subbing horror stories

I want to share what my friend Yolanda, who is a long time TK & Zumba instructor, did when subbing a very popular Zumba class here in Columbus. She came from the Cleveland area to sub this class for this guy that apparently was a very popular instructor (well, the room was packed). 

Obviously students were expecting him so Yolanda was there up front with a big a smile and saying hi to everyone. At the beggining of the class she something more or less like this: "Hi everyone, my name is Yolanda and I will be subbing for "Bob". He couldn't be here today and the manager didn't want to cancel your class so she invited me to come today. She tells me Bob is a fantastic instructor and you all love his class. I also have been teaching Zumba for a while in the Cleveland area. My teaching might not be exactly like Bob's so I hope you like it and that I challenge you as much as he does and you have fun. So let's start." She actually made it different on purpose by incorporating a TK feel to some of the Zumba moves which made it more athletic. By the end of the class people were lining up to tell her how much they enjoyed her class and ask her to come sub or teach regularly so they could take classes from both instructors.

Having hear so many subbing horror stories from friends (who are fantastic instructors)I was amazed at the reaction she got. But what she did so effectively was:

1. Started by praising the instructor they like so much
2. Recognized that they would find her different
3. Challenged them to open their minds and give her a chance cause they might like the change

At the end of the class the manager came to tell her that people has stopped by her desk to tell her how much they liked her class. 

Funny thing,is that my friend was surprised at how welcoming they were. She didn't realize she was doing this until I told her.

This strategy should work, and if anyone still complains then they are idiots that will complain no matter what. Don't mind them, just keep doing your best!

I need some advice about subbing. I've been certified for a year, but started teaching in May (I currently have my own class and sub a class that I attend regularly). Tonight I subbed at a new location, where I've taken a few classes but never subbed before. I was very excited, especially because Turbo is not offered at this club.

About 5 mins before class started, I took a few minutes to go over the basics then started the workout. I could tell immediately, that a few people were NOT happy that I was subbing. It was one of those "if looks could kill" situations. I made direct eye contact with everyone in the class and tried to keep a smile on my face.
When we got the the Turbo, I stopped the music so we could do it slow (this is what we do with my class and the other class I sub). When I was almost all the way through the demonstration, one of the women said "Can't we just get on with this already!" So, I said sure and we did the Turbo and finished the workout.
By the end of the class, I felt really uncomfortable and truth be told, it was hard to smile. I wanted to know if anyone could give me any advice as to how to handle a situation like this in the future. I know that people are used to their classes being a certain way, but the looks/attitude of these people really shook me. I know that I don't do everything perfectly, but I actually thought I rocked it tonight and now I'm really feeling really unsure of myself. Has anyone else ever experiences anything like this?

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