Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blades and Brawling

OK, I admit that I've been negligent about posting training reports lately. That probably won't change but I'll try to do better. :) Last night had a new guy + Doug.

Don't know if the new guy will become a permanent fixture; he had some very specific interest for a very specific purpose and I wanted to focus on that for his first session.

He is primarily interested in a hiking staff of about 5' or so. He picked up one at a local festival/fair and brought it to train with. We managed to break it with 15 min. :( The good news is it sheared along the grain about 2' down from the top so I think he can just chop out the busted part and end up with an 18" truncheon and a 3' cane.

We started with variations of instant movements for defensive strikes from a standard hiking hammer-fist grip, held about arm-pit level on the staff. Most of these are pretty intuitive. They stared with a single hand grip but then we included adding a second hand "power assist" grip. The three basic strikes from this position I tought are all reminiscent of the Bonafont cane system and include a rising strike to the groin/chin, horizontal strike to the ribs, hand, or side of head, and a looping downward strike to the clavicle or top of the head. (ref: Again, two hand, "power strike" versions of these were also taught.

We then explored some more traditional two-handed work. Started with the three basic ways to add the second hand onto the shaft. Moved on to bayonet and "punyo" thrusting, as well as a lead and rear hand single-handed thrust with lunge step and passing step. Finished off longstick work with powerstriking from a full-chambered, wrists crossed, rear position (a "zornhau" for you Longsword guys starting with the point forward and the hilt rear and over the right shoulder). I actually brought this in from Fiore spear work specifically because after the power-bash, I showed Fiore's thrust from Posta di Finestra, which is really, really sneaky if you've set it up by zornhau-ing once or twice from this position. I showed it as both a setup and as a way to cover more range and still strike home.

Following the longstick work I wanted to try to transmit three of the cooler elements I brought home from James Loriega's la Canne classes at ISMAC so I spent the last 30 min. doing a quick overview of the hand-switchs (which I referred to as "frisking the stick" in honor of Cpt. F.C. Laing's reference). Then rising/crossing cuts to the lower leg (Croisé Bas and Enlevé) as these are particularly useful in our saber work. There was a lot more from the la canne stuff but we were just out of time. Next week. And we didn't even get a chance to work with Navaja material.

Peace favor your sword

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Session 9-19-10 NEOHEMAS

Just Matt and I for starters today but then we were joined by Dave the ultimate part timer:)

2 rounds shadow boxing
3 rounds boxing with 4 oz gloves and head gear
1 rounds partnered footwork drill
1 round freestyle footwork

On with the jackets for some sambo. We are on week 2 of Coach Tripp's 16 week cycle. focusing this time on the front body drop throw standing and north south position on the ground. We also had a quick review of last weeks session on the back trip. Even with no active free rolling we were toast by the end of our grappling session.

We then brought out the Navajas for a quick review of the clinch work from last week then moved on to some work from the Mediterranean grip. We only spent about a half hour but it was productive and keeps the
navaja ball rolling here in Ohio. We then pulled out the sparth axe trainers and went over some of the actions using the head of the weapon according to Silvers material on forest bill. Lots of casting the opponents weapon to the side, up or down and thrusting and or hooking with our own. We also did a fair bit of work form the bind and when the axe heads get hooked as they will tend to do.

We ended the session going over the basics for using the Khevsurian fighting ring. Ways of gripping the ring and the four basic attacks using this tiny but painful weapon.

Inoue Sensei - Clinic D, 10/3/2010, 10:00 am

AYC: Inoue Sensei - Clinic D
Sunday October 3, 2010
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
(The next reminder for this event will be sent in 11 days.)
Location: Aikido Yoshinkai Canada (Toronto)
Street: 399 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor
City State Zip: Toronto, ON M5B 1S9
Phone: 416-585-9602
This year marks Kimeda Sensei's 50th Anniversary in Yoshinkan Aikido and his 45th year of teaching in Canada. To celebrate this milestone, AYC has organized a series of three (3) clinics which will take place in February, June and November. The guest instructors for these clinics are:
- Ando Sensei (Feb. 26-28, 2010)
- Shioda Soke (Jun. 18-20, 2010)
- Inoue Sensei (Oct. 1-3, 2010)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

MMA Regional Rankings - Oceana


This is braddah Shano. I've been keeping rankings on a new website...


Fighting Records & MMA Encyclopedia

i also have a regional rankings section...


 ...and would like to know if anyone'd be interested in managing the rankings for Oceana (Polynesia-Micronesia-Melanesia)?

 You could do the fighters a lot of credit and it would help give them more exposure.

 If you'd like to then let me know and what i'll do is set up a forum where you can keep all the stats and records.
 That way we can both have easy access to it and i can use them to update the getting credit for them, if you want.

I will also put a banner ad, with your photo/logo, if you want, on my website, giving you full credit for managing the rankings for that region.

Let me know what you think!



Friday, September 17, 2010

Advice needed; instructor with fibromyalgia

I used to be active here a few years ago, when I first got certified to teach Turbo, but then my fibromyalgia got really out of control & I quit Turbo for awhile.

At any rate, I'm back with a vengeance! I took my TK certification in June and earned a Gold ranking. But I'm not sure how to handle my fibro in a class. I always give my workouts my best effort, but some days, that best is noticeably less than other days. I am not going to try and hide it from anyone & will be very upfront, but there will inevitably be a day when I just can't do it. I'm the only one around here TK certified, so a sub isn't an option.

When I took my AFAA Primary Group Fitness exam, I talked to the AFAA woman about it a little and she said, "just coach on your bad days!" But I'm not sure how well that would translate into an intense cardio workout.

Any suggestions/advice from experienced trainers? 

When you instruct multiple classes during the week you can't go full boar in every class. You will burn yourself out.  What you do is you give the appearance that you are going all out, by using your facial expressions and exaggerated movements.  It will help you convserve energy.

Good to know! I LOVE Optimum Nutrition products, their whey and casein protein powder are the best stats wise for the great taste and price that I've had. Per scoop: 120 calories, 1g fat, 24g protein, only 3 carbs I'll have to check out their Amino Energy once I'm done with what I'm currently using for my BCAA's and nitric oxide through Controlled Labs.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hip Hop Hustle

I know this isn't the forum for this, but if you could point me in the direction of a HHH forum, I'd be grateful!
I'm teaching my VERY FIRST HHH class next Wednesday evening and I've never even TAKEN a HHH class. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous. I previewed HHH instead of Recovery and Finale the last 2 days in my TK classes and they loved it. do I make an hour long class out of it... hmmmmm
I am also looking for HHH flyers that I can put up at my gym to promote the class.
Thanks fellow TK-ers! My classes are having a BLAST with R41. Can't wait to start R42 soon!!!

Here's the yahoo forum
But it's not very active.
You say you've never taken a class. But didn't you do a master class during your HHH training?
As for lasting an hour, I wouldn't try to do show right away. Learn 3 hustles and do them for an hour. It'll take about 15 min to build each one. Then you can do all three together a few times. Add warmup and cooldown and there's your hour.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jing Ying September events - Mark Your Calendar!

Just a reminder that since we were closed for Labor Day on Monday, the pre-test will be Tuesday at 7:00 pm (kids can pre-test at 5:00 pm as well).

Some of you may not be aware that we added a new kids class over the summer. On Tuesdays at 5:30 pm, we have an All Levels kid's class open to both Tigers and Dragons. We have some students who attend Folger McKinsey and will be bused to Chesapeake Bay Middle School in Pasadena while renovations are being made. Those student will now get home at almost 5:00 pm instead of 3:30 pm as in the past, so the new class will make it easier for them to continue training. This is also a Family Class that parents can participate in with their children. In the past, our Family program allowed a parent to take their children into our regular classes so they could train together.
Those were classes oriented toward adults that we allowed kids to participate in as long as they were with their parent. The new class is oriented towards kids and we allow parents to participate as long as they are with their child. This class is being expanded to include Thursdays from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm starting this week. Please note that with the addition of these two new classes, we are making a modification to our Family Kung Fu program. To join a regular adult class with their parent, children must be 9 or older and approved for participation by an instructor.

On Thursday, Sept 9, we will celebrate the new class with a "Bring a Buddy" day. All existing students (including adults) are invited to bring a friend to try out a free introductory kung fu class for kids 4 to 10 and their parents. If you bring a friend to try the class, you and your friend will get Kung Fu Panda headbands, and have a chance to win a Kung Fu Panda backsack filled with goodies. Your friend is also eligible to receive a 2-week visitors pass to continue classes. You must contact us right away to register your friends for this special event!

Here are some important dates for your calendar:

* Tuesday, September 7 - pre-test at 7:00 pm
* Thursday, September 9 - Buddy Day from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
* Monday, September 13 - pre-test at 6:30 pm
* Monday, September 20 - Women's self-defense workshop,
* Saturday, September 25 - Monthly test at 11:00 am

Remember to join our Facebook page. You don't have to be a member to view info:
Also, follow us on Twitter to get updates on important information by e-mail or text messages to your phone:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Running Nose????

I sound really crazy posting this question, but am I the only one this happens to?????? Every time I teach my nose starts to run. It's so bad I have to stop and blow it!!! It's really embarrassing as I hate the thought of everyone hearing me sniff over the mic ;)

This happens even if I don't have a cold. I have tried taking allergy tablets but this isn't helping as I don't have any symptoms before I teach. Any thoughts???

And I thought I was the only one that suffered from this! I think it is just how hard you are working  and cueing at the same time. This is of course worse for me in the summer when it is warm and muggy. Usually I can wait until after the Turbo section to go blow my nose unless we have Burpees to do, then I have no choice to run over and blow my nose. I let the music go and then restart the Turbo just so everyone doesn't hear my horn blow. I wonder if anyone has a good suggestion that doesn't involve dehydration!

 this happens to me EVERYTIME!!! thought I was the only one. I don't have any suggestions so if anyone else does that would be great!

This condition is known as Vasomotor Rhinitis Vasomotor rhinitis: Type of rhinitis related to dry air and is thought to be caused by an imbalance nerves to nasal passages. Your doctor can prescribe ipratropium bromide, trade name Atrovent, to alleviate the problem. It could be something else as well, but always check with your physician before you self diagnose yourself. I hope this helps.

It happens when I got real hot or cold.  I never let it bother me, because it is what it is.  It's how my body functions and I'm not down for meds to stop something that my body is natural doing as a result of me working it out.  Just have tissue on hand and wipe when you can.