Monday, May 24, 2010

Physical Culture at Gallowglass manor

I took my sledge hammer with me when I went out to practice my knife throwing this morning.

I used a set of sledge hammer exercises I borrowed from the shovelglove website called "defending the walls."

1. Hold the hammer under the head with the hand you will use to "draw" a bow. First "draw" the bow holding it at a 45 degree angle upwards (as if aiming at the invading horde as they get organized) Do this rep ten times with both right and left hands. Next repeat the reps but aim the "bow" straight in front of you as if firing at the horde as they make the rush for the castle. For the final part of this exercise aim the "bow" downward at forty-five degrees as if shooting a the horde as the attempt to scale the walls. Again do ten reps with both right and left hands.

2. Spear them as they get to the top of the wall - Ten reps right and left side.wit the hammer in both hands

3. Cut 'em down with your sword - Ten reps each side using the hammer in both hands to cut angle one and two and then ten reps right and left side cutting angle seven. Finally, swing through at angles five an six with ten reps.

4. Finish 'em off - Hold the hammer at the end away from the head and thrust downward with the head as if spearing the enemy on the ground Do ten reps.

I interspersed each set with five throws with the knife at my throwing stump.

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