Thursday, July 8, 2010

practical martial arts/reality

From what I have seen up close and persoanl the Art of San Soo is a good practical martial art.

From the attitude of those I have seen up close and personal(for what little tiem they stayed in this), their attitude was one of arrogance, and demeaning of their students which is why they probaly didn't stay long. However, that is my experieicne with those people, and the experience of those who left the school. THAT DOES NOT mean that I dislike the art OR all of those who teach it.

I was asked to come and watch these teachers...I didn't go there looking for a class. I was only giving an observation. It is true the best way to know if an art is for you is to try it...the people here did, and though all I talked to DID love the art. it was teh teachers who drve them away. This can happen in any school, and any style, so like everything else. watch Everything, and everyone when you check out a new school.

This warning I will give to anyone looking to start in teh martial arts, or an new school. Pwy attention to the teachers, the art, and the politics. It a teacher cuts down antoehr teacher, as far as skill and ability, then you don't need them. If a teacher demans you, or trys to make you feel less of a human being, you don't need them. IF the art, may have techniques in it that you may be physically unable to execute due to injury, then you don't need it. Thsi is true, of any art, teacher, and school...not just one in particular.

It is really simple. Just explore and look very carfully befroe leaping into to any art. Again for teh record SAN SOO is a good art.

Folks this cutting down of competition is not only unethical it's bad business practice. 

Those in  business including the martial arts business have two choices Slam the competition so you seem less worse or praise the competition and explain why you're even better Which do you want to be, less worse or even better? Which would your prospective students prefer?Self-Defense for Kids Resources - Tell Us How You Successfully Defended Yourself Against School Bullies or Even Adults 

Here is this area, for the most part, all schools have learned to live and let live.  However, there are still those(and not just in this area), that sem to think the best way to make themselves look good is down another but there is a difference between pointing out thier short comings and bad mouthing them.

These guys were disrespectful about other teachers and it is not their PLACE to piint out anything aobut another teacher or school.  My problem with their actions is on a human level...I am sure they are good teachers, but they will never keep students treating them like they did.  Notice what I said now, I am sure they are good teachers.  Note: that is respect for them, as a teacher..  Respect they didn;t showthe ones they were taking about.    I just really feel bad for them becasue of those actions.
"Those who are afraid of death, never truly live. Living life to the fullest means taking a chance."

i understand your point but i do point out thier sort coming too. example rape pervention. biting and tearing the upper lip. that dose not work in a car jacking stituation. and thats why they are linited and not good self defense because the average person dose not under stand this. and it gives the female a false sense of sercurity. this is not bad mouthing any school just pointing out the facts. an educated comsumer is our best customer!!!!!

that is not so much a short coming, as it just not being what they teach.  Even at that though you still show resepct for teh teacher, becasue you understand they are only teaching the way they were taught.  These guys were not doing that though. 

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