Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Steel Combat in the SCA

Most of the SCa kingsome now have three forms of free play, armored (rattan) combat, rapier fencing (using steel of various forms) and Cut and Thrust (also using steel) Cut and Thrust (C&T) is closest to what most WMA folks think of when doing free play. Depending on the kingdom (region) you are in C&T can involve rapier, single handed sword and/or longsword. The rules and safety gear for C&T are based to some extent on the rapier rules and gear.

However, the different kingdoms have made the basic rules their own so don't go in expecting to teach them how to play the WMA game. Remeber, "When in Rome do as the Romans do."

Having had some small influence in the Cut and Thrust program, the rules are (with the exception of grappling) almost exactly the same way most WMA groups handle single handed weapons. Additionally, a number of folks have brought longsword trainers into the organisation (Dr. Bill Ernoehazy being the most notable exemplar) and had pretty good success with them.

That being said, Allen is right- the SCA is it's own organisation, with it's own rules, traditions and blinders (just like any group). Heading in there with the idea of 'I'm going to show them how they're wrong' isn't going to work, and will be ultimately frustrating for all parties involved. Believe me, I know.

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