Friday, June 18, 2010


It's true... haven't ya'll noticed how quiet this group has gotten? I think it's because people kept using it as an ad space. People don't want to post here anymore because all you ever see if someone asking a simple question and then lots of people replying with, "Buy it here! I'll be your coach! Click here to buy! Me me me!!!! Buy from me!!!!"

It tacky to advertise that way. I haven't replied or even read these posts in so long because of IS great--I've done the workouts !!!

You are more than welcome to talk about Turbo Fire or Turbo Jam here, but please, coaches, do not spam us with your sales pitches; this board is here to objectively review round, HIIT drills, give each other teaching tips, place music selections for future rounds, etc.

This is not a place for you to make $, this goes for people wanting to get rid of their Turbo Wear too, you can put that on Ebay.

I'm sorry, I only wanted to assist those who needed a coach to place an order. I won't post anything else! Thank you for the suggestions. Do you know some good classes on Thursday-Sunday? OH OH OH!!! I live and instruct in Santa Monica (24 Hour Fitness Sport), and I can TOTALLY tell you the BEST class to take in LA! Dwayne Jeffers, who is featured in alot of the TKB Video's, (Most recently Round 40) instructs Tuesday nights at 7:00 at the Santa Monica Sport. His class is outrageously popular, and you will soon see why! I will be there tomorrow attending his class, you should go! The address to the Sport is:

2929 31st Street, Santa Monica - (310) 450-4464

Cross street is 31st and Ocean Park Blvd. My name is Aimee, i'll be up front if you come!

If you can't make it Tuesday, I HIGHLY recommend Gina Garcia's class in Beverly Hills tonight at 7:00 PM. This girl has CRAZY energy and it's always a party! It's very close to Santa Monica too. The address:

9911 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles - (310) 553-7600

Other than that, Dwayne also teaches an AMAZING class at the Hollywood Arclight on Thursday nights at 7. FUN FUN FUN classroom! He has the disco lights and all! Address is:

6380 West Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90028
(323) 461-2024

I have a question for those of y'all who have done is it different from a Turbo Kick class? The moves look the same as what we teach in TK, but I'm just curious what Chalene has done differently. Thanks! I have done Turbo Fire and I am a success story in the infomercial. This is the best way I can describe it. The HITT workouts are small bursts.. like about 45 sec to a minute. She will preview it first lower intensity and then you rest for one minute, hit it again HIGH INTESITY.. rest. repeat.

Then you are previewed another HITT! OH MAN!! SO FUN!!! A lot of pylometrics in Turbo Fire! However, everything can me modified to fit every fitness level. There is also a longer cardio workout.. "similar" to a turbo kick workout, also some strength traiining with bands, ab workouts as well. I burned crazy calories with Turbo Fire and even after working out I was still burning at a very high rate!

how much space do you need in your house for this... I live in a city house (i.e. room is small I workout in :) ok that is a great question...... I have a TINY living room.. in fact my house is only 1200 square feet total! . so you don't need a lot of space.. the most you might have to do is move over a coffee table ect. I don't think you should have a living room is small and when I am practicing TK I actually have to practice in another space but with TF

I was ok!

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